2021년 12월 16일 목요일

인천 서구 검단 당하동 팀레드폭스 주짓수 & MMA - 주짓수 근황 토크

개인적으로 주기적인 슬럼프가 왔는데

관장님께서 일부러 한번 잡아주시고

전화까지 주셔서 스파링에 대한 격려를 해 주심..

오늘 마침 적절하게 아래 글을 올리셨네..

이런저런 얘기를 관장님께 털어놓으니

마음이 좀 후련해졌다.. 

#그레이시바하코리아 #팀레드폭스
#검단팀레드폭스 #부평팀레드폭스 #당하동주짓수
#당하동여성다이어트 #검단주짓수 #오전주짓수 #초보환영
#여성다이어트 #어린이주짓수 #어린이종합격투기 #어린이MMA
#인천 #서구 #검단 #당하동 #주짓수 #다이어트 #킥복싱
#종합격투기 #체육관 #주짓수전문 #종합격투기전문 #MMA전문
#성인주짓수 #검단성인주짓수 #당하동성인주짓수

2021년 12월 9일 목요일

인천 서구 검단 당하동 팀레드폭스 주짓수 & MMA - 주짓수 근황 토크

어제는 간만에 스파링타임이 있었음..

코로나 전에는 매주 목욜 10시30분에 1시간씩 

스파링만 하는 수업이 있었는데..

코로나 땜시롱 없어져서 아쉬웠다가..

간만에 스파링 타임이 부활했음..

다들 불타올라서 관장님께서 10판만 하자고 하셨지만..


일단 난 4판만에 아웃..

나머지 관원들도 6판 정도에서 아웃..


세월이 야속하더라...

그래도 간만에 진짜 땀 흘린거 같아서 좋네..

#그레이시바하코리아 #팀레드폭스
#검단팀레드폭스 #부평팀레드폭스 #당하동주짓수
#당하동여성다이어트 #검단주짓수 #오전주짓수 #초보환영
#여성다이어트 #어린이주짓수 #어린이종합격투기 #어린이MMA
#인천 #서구 #검단 #당하동 #주짓수 #다이어트 #킥복싱
#종합격투기 #체육관 #주짓수전문 #종합격투기전문 #MMA전문
#성인주짓수 #검단성인주짓수 #당하동성인주짓수

2021년 10월 28일 목요일

인천 서구 검단 당하동 팀레드폭스 주짓수 & MMA - 주짓수 근황 토크

오늘의 주짓수...

오늘은 7시30분에
스파링을 좀 하고
9시 부에서도
성인들과 같이 하려 했으나..
초심자들이 의외로
기본기도 안 배우신 분들이 많아서
작게나마 아는 것들을 가르쳐 드림..
돌아보면 나도 그 시절에 많은 선배들이
이모저모로 도와주면서 이끌어 온 것이 떠오르기에
함께 같이 운동할 수 있도록 도와드리는 것이
약간이나마 앞에 선 사람으로서 해야 할 일 같아서
내 나름의 기초를 알려드림..
지금의 분들이 1년이 지나도
계속 함께 할 수 있길..

#당하동복싱 #당하동킥복싱 #검단킥복싱 #그레이시바하코리아

#검단팀레드폭스 #부평팀레드폭스 #당하동주짓수 #팀레드폭스

#당하동여성다이어트 #검단주짓수 #오전주짓수 #초보환영

#여성다이어트 #어린이주짓수 #어린이종합격투기 #어린이MMA

#인천 #서구 #검단 #당하동 #주짓수 #다이어트 #킥복싱

#종합격투기 #체육관

2021년 10월 21일 목요일

인천 서구 검단 당하동 팀레드폭스 주짓수 & MMA - 주짓수 안전하게 하기

간혹 지인들 중에 주짓수 물어보시는 분들이 많이 하는 질문 중에 하나..

그거 위험하지 않아요?!! 라는 분들이 많이 계심..

몸으로 막 부딪히고 꺽고 조르고 그래서 위험할거 같지만.. 

생각보다 그렇지 않습니다!

물론.. 스파링 하면서 승부욕이라던지, 알 수 없는 똥고집?!! 들이 생기면 위험함.

즐기는 마음으로 편하게 하면 세상 안전한 운동임!

검단 팀레드폭스
오시는길: 청마로167번길 4 청마빌딩4층
전화: 032-569-8279
문자: 010-4158-1215
부평 팀레드폭스
오시는길:경인로 871-1 이디야5층
전화: 032-515-2449

#당하동복싱 #당하동킥복싱 #검단킥복싱 #그레이시바하코리아
#검단팀레드폭스 #부평팀레드폭스 #당하동주짓수 #팀레드폭스
#당하동여성다이어트 #검단주짓수 #오전주짓수 #초보환영
#여성다이어트 #어린이주짓수 #어린이종합격투기 #어린이MMA
#인천 #서구 #검단 #당하동 #주짓수 #다이어트 #킥복싱
#종합격투기 #체육관

2021년 10월 12일 화요일

GB Technique: Escape the Mount Variations

GB Technique: Escape the Mount Variations

This week on GB Technique we are going to look at Top Mount escape variations. Most of us are familiar with the most fundamental mount escapes – the bridge and roll and the elbow to knee escape.
However, as there is more than one variation of the Top Mount, we need different escape techniques to address different mount situations when the bridge and roll and elbow to knee escape are not effective.
Prof. Flavio Almeida takes us through 2 mount variations and demonstrates how we can escape these positions.
Have you checked out the GB Online Instagram account?
Escaping Mount with “Grapevine” legs
When the opponent has a low mount and has entangled their legs with yours – known as a grapevine – it is very difficult to bridge as your hips are controlled by your opponent’s legs. Prof. Flavio shows step by step how to untangle the legs and escape
Escape S Mount 
Prof. Flavio Almeida has been mounted and is about to be arm barred from the “S” Mount. The S Mount is a lot of pressure and your arms are exposed. How do you prevent it from being submitted and improve your position?
See also on GB Technique:
The Heel Hook: Attack and Escape
Writer: Mark Mullen, Gracie Barra Black Belt

2021년 9월 27일 월요일

GB Technique: Arm Drag Attacks

GB Technique: Arm Drag Attacks

This week on GB Technique we are going to look at a variety of ways that we can use one of the fundamental hand fighting skills: the short arm drag.
Hand fighting is a way for us to gain a momentary advantage over our opponent and progress to the next position, get a takedown or catch a submission. Let’s take a look at some high percentage ways we can use the Arm Drag
Have you checked out the GB Online Instagram account?
Arm Drag Prof. Joe Scarola
To Guillotine
One of the key things to pay attention to here is how Prof. Joe uses his frames to get off of being flat on his back and in a position to go on the offense
Arm Drag – Prof. Marcio Feitosa
From Lasso Guard
One of the very best guard strategies – especially for smaller bjj players – is to look for a drag to expose the opponent’s back
Standing arm drag to Double Leg
This is a CLASSIC combination in stand-up grappling. The arm drag allows us to get by the opponent’s defense and shoot deep into their hips for the double leg
Seated guard to arm drag to back
Prof. Tussa takes that same arm drag and applies it to the ground position. This is one of the most important techniques to master from seated guard
See also on GB Technique:
GB Technique: 3 Guard Passing Principles
Writer: Mark Mullen, Gracie Barra Black Belt

2021년 9월 14일 화요일

인천 서구 검단 당하동 팀레드폭스 주짓수 & MMA -주짓수 블루 3그랄 승급함

딱 2년전에 화이트 3그랄 받았었는데..

우연하게도 같은 날 블루 3그랄을 받았다..
큰 아들도 화이트 4그랄 받음..

개인적으로 꾸준히 하는 것에는 자신있었는데..
주짓수를 하면서
진짜 제대로 뭔가를 꾸준히 하는게 정말 어렵고
내가 여태까지 얼마나
설렁설렁 해왔나 반성하는 시간이 되었다.

인생에 큰 변화를 준 주짓수를
얼마나 더 오래 할 지는 모르겠지만
여태까지 해온 만큼만 더 하면

2021년 9월 13일 월요일

GB Technique: The Rules of Sweeping with Prof. Feitosa

GB Technique: The Rules of Sweeping with Prof. Feitosa

This week on GB Technique we are going to look at some of the common principles important to performing various guard sweeps.
You likely possess a whole arsenal of sweeps – many of which seem completely different in their mechanics – but there are a handful of common principles that make them all work.
1- Breaking the opponent’s posture
2- Undermining the opponent’s base
3- Control the posting arm/sleeve
Have you checked out the GB Online Instagram account?
Let’s take a look at some sweeping rules inaction by senior GB Prof. Marcio Feitosa.
X-guard sweep variation
Breaking the posture of the opponent. Notice how Prof. Marcio has a strong collar grip and has bent his opponent nearly in half. An opponent in a strong posture is very difficult to unbalance. The strong pushing action of the legs also serves to make the opponent bend over.
Butterfly Guard Sweep from Sit Up Guard
When the opponent has a strong base they can focus on passing your guard. It is essential to get underneath the opponent and undermine their base to disrupt their balance. Look how Prof. Marcio hooks under the opponent’s posted leg and move right underneath them to break the balance.
Spider guard sweep
Control the sleeve to prevent the opponent from posting. This is probably the #1 sweeping mistake we see. Not controlling the opponent’s arm and having them suddenly post and stop the sweep. Note how Prof. Marcio prevents the opponent from using her arm from stopping the sweep.
See also on GB Technique:
GB Technique: 3 Guard Passing Principles
Writer: Mark Mullen, Gracie Barra Black Belt

2021년 9월 6일 월요일

GB Technique: Escaping The Bottom Position

GB Technique: Escaping The Bottom Position

This week on GB Technique we are going to look at a common problem: getting stuck underneath our opponent’s pressure and body weight on the bottom. Without a solid strategy to defend and escape, you can quickly become exhausted and vulnerable to being submitted.
Have you checked out the GB Online Instagram account?
We are looking at 3 different bottom positions here but the escape techniques all share certain elements in common.
By applying to observe the common elements of:
1- making frames with the arms
2- using hip movement to create space
3- getting our legs involved to control the opponent
…we can equip ourselves with the tools to escape any bottom situation.
Let’s take a look at some specific bottom escapes from some of GB Online’s top instructors.
Prof. Braulio Estima shows how he uses frames to prevent the opponent from applying their full weight on top and then looks to sneak a hook inside with his foot. This type of escape is especially effective for smaller jiu-jitsu practitioners.
Trapped in Half Guard’s bottom
A common question from intermediate-level jiu-jitsu students is that they get caught underneath in the bottom half guard and don’t know how to progress their position. Prof. Tussa shows how to utilize frames and hip movement to come to the top
Escape the Knee on the Belly
Often when you are struggling to escape the bottom side mount, your opponent will quickly transition to the dreaded knee on the belly position. Prof. Victor Estima shows how he uses frames and hip bumps to thread his leg through to 50/50 Guard and a sweep to reverse the position to come to the top.
See also on GB Technique:
GB Technique: 3 Guard Passing Principles
Writer: Mark Mullen, Gracie Barra Black Belt

GB Technique: 3 Guard Passing Principles

GB Technique: 3 Guard Passing Principles

This week on GB Technique we are going to look at the principles behind some of the guard passes that you learn in class at your Gracie Barra school. We need to learn to look at techniques in jiu-jitsu not only in terms of the mechanics (my left hand grabs the sleeve and my right hand controls the pants…) but also more deeply in terms of the principles of jiu-jitsu underlying the execution of the technique.
Let’s take a look at some principles in action in passing the guard.
Have you checked out the GB Online Instagram account?
Grip Breaking and Posture
Knee cut pass with Prof. Rodrigo Fajardo
What is the very first thing that Prof. Rodrigo does before beginning his Knee Slice guard pass? He breaks the opponent’s collar grip and regains a strong posture. No matter what style of guard your opponent is playing, as the passer you need to deal with their control grips and start passing from a strong posture or else your opponent can control you and look to sweep or submit.
Control the hips
Prof. Marcio Feitosa teaches how to pass the Sitting up / Butterfly guard
Pay attention to how Prof. Marcio repeatedly puts the guard player flat and pressures the hips. Grabbing the belt and pinching his opponent’s thighs between his elbows and knees, Prof. Marcio effectively kills the movement of the guard player’s hips. Most guard passing depends on control of the opponent’s hips.
Prof. Marcio uses forward pressure to control the hips and then methodically pass the guard.
Prof. Joe Scarola of GB Jupiter
In this short video, count how many times Prof. Joe changes the direction that he is passing. Instead of trying to pass directly into the opponent’s defense, he switches sides and forces the opponent to react. After changing directions twice, Prof. Joe gets ahead of the guard player and is able to pass to his opponent’s back where they have little ability to defend the pass.
How can you apply these principles of guard passing to your own favorite guard passes?
See also on GB Technique: Head and Arm Choke: Attack and Escape
Writer: Mark Mullen, Gracie Barra Black Belt

2021년 8월 23일 월요일

GB Technique: Head and Arm Choke: Attack and Escape


GB Technique: Head and Arm Choke: Attack and Escape

This week on GB Technique we are going to look at a pair of techniques from the perspective of both the attack and then the counter and escape.
Have you checked out the GB Online Instagram account?
In order to truly master a technique, we must study both sides of the move: the attack and the counter to the submission. Two of Gracie Barra’s top instructors share their techniques to help you level up your Head and Arm chokes.
Prof. Kendall Reusing is one of Gracie Barra’s most active and successful competitors. Prof. Reusing is known for her dangerous Head and Arm Choke (Kata gatame). In this video, Prof. Reusing shares her 3 keys to correcting common mistakes with the Arm Triangle choke and getting the tap.
The most common mistake most students make with the Head and Arm Choke is trying to squeeze as hard as possible using arm strength. Prof. Reusing shows those important micro-adjustments that take away space and force the opponent to “tap or nap”.
Prof. Joe Scarola of GB Jupiter
“Answer the phone” block the choke. But it isn’t enough to merely stall the choke and wait for the timer to go offending the round.
We should be looking to advance our position and escape altogether.
Prof. Scarola uses the fundamental elbow-to-knee escape to catch his opponent’s leg in a half guard. Now Prof. Scarola can utilize the strength of his legs to push the opponent away and prevent the top opponent from applying their full pressure in the choke. Next, Prof. Scarola transitions to the back and has completely reversed the course of the match.
See also on GB Technique: Connecting Open Guards
Writer: Mark Mullen, Gracie Barra Black Belt

BE Band (비밴드) - 2024년 03월 02일 잠실새내 락앤롤욱스 공연

나의 10~20대를 보낸 잠실에서의 공연.. 오랜만에 가보니.. 여기가.. 마눌님과 자주 가던 영화관이었는데... 여긴 뭐가 있었는데... 란 추억도 떠올리며 기분좋게 감.​ 공연장은 좀 협소한 편이었고, 인천의 쥐똥나무 보다는 약간 크고... 인천 ...